Estate Planning Projects to Tackle in the New Year

Year 2020 definitely brought a lot of changes in all of our lives. As we enter Spring of 2021 and annual spring cleaning, we cannot neglect a quick look at our Estate Plans.  As you look back on 2020, what changes need to be reflected in your estate plan? Have you...

New Baby? Time to Create Your Estate Plan

Estate planning is often one item that gets pushed back on nearly everyone’s to-do list. The reasons you might be delaying vary: lack of time, not thinking you have enough assets, not knowing how to start, or fear of contemplating death. Whatever the reason for not...

Planning for the Future (Without a Crystal Ball)

Creating a will, trust, or any type of estate plan has always involved dealing with an uncertain future. Consider that just 20 years ago in 1997, the estate tax had an astonishing 55% rate with only a $600,000 exemption. Back then, tax-driven estate planning was a...