Planning for the Future (Without a Crystal Ball)

Creating a will, trust, or any type of estate plan has always involved dealing with an uncertain future. Consider that just 20 years ago in 1997, the estate tax had an astonishing 55% rate with only a $600,000 exemption. Back then, tax-driven estate planning was a...

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5 Reasons to Protect Your Retirement Accounts Now

During your lifetime, your retirement accounts are well protected from creditors, but as soon as you pass that account on to a loved one, that protection evaporates. This means one lawsuit and POOF! Your life long, hard earned savings could be gone. Your heirs could...

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Name a Guardian for Your Minor Child(ren)

We know it's hard. Thinking about someone else raising your children can stop you in your tracks. It feels crushing and too horrific to consider. But you must. If you don't, a stranger will determine who raises your children if something happens to you - your...

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Do You Own Rental Property?

A comprehensive estate plan should address all of your assets. For most people, an estate plan must include three common categories: (1) your home; (2) financial accounts, like your checking and savings account; and (3) personal property. Other types of assets - such...

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